MISSION OF THE MONTH The September Mission of the Month is being sponsored by the Board of Elders. The Giving Back Program (Food Bank) was started by our Bd. Of Evangelism to supplement food needs in our community. First offering donated canned, dry foods, paper products, laundry detergent and person care items. The Lutheran Foundation helped purchase a freezer and frozen items were added. The program has helped many families and individuals as a primary and secondary food bank. Items are always needed. Thank you for supporting this outreach to our community.
ZION’S GIVING BACK PROGRAM (FOOD BANK) is in need of supplies like: cereal, soup, spaghetti and sauce, noodle and rice sides, peanut butter and jelly, laundry soap, paper products, etc. Please help with resupplying our food bank. Items can be placed in the 2 plastic tubs under the bulletin board in the narthex. Thank you very much for your help.
YOUTH PLANNING MEETING September 8th at 10:30am will meet in the large classroom in the education wing to discuss the Youth Events calendar for this coming '24-'25 church year. Please bring your calendars and any ideas for activities or service projects.
BOARD MEETINGS will begin on Monday, September 9th. The Board of Direction & Planning at 6:00pm with All Boards at 7:00pm.
LADIES’ NIGHT will resume on September 15 from 5:30-7:30pm at the parsonage. Any ladies 18 and up are welcome to come for a time of fellowship. Bring your own beverage and an appetizer or dessert to share. Talk with Rebekah Christiansen with any questions.
ALTAR GUILD PLANNING MEETING/CARRY-IN DINNER will be on Thursday, September 19th at 6:00 p.m. Please join in as we discuss the upcoming 2024-2025 schedule. Please bring a dish to share. New members are welcome and needed. Please prayerfully consider helping in this capacity.
SENIOR LUNCHEON will be on Thursday, September 26th at 12:00pm. Please bring a dish to share. All retired members are invited! Please stay to play Euchre!
VOTERS MEETING there will be a Voters Meeting on Sunday, September 29th following the service.
FISH FRY 2024 just a reminder that Zion’s Fish & Tenderloin Fundraising Dinner will be on Tuesday, October 8th. Please watch for more information and ticket sales in the coming weeks.