Q. What denomination are you?
A. We are a congregation ofThe Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS is a denomination that holds that Christ has redeemed us from sin by his death on the cross, and therefore, salvation is not by works but by faith in what Christ has done for us. LCMS Churches also teach that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God; that Holy Baptism saves us from sin, death, and the devil; and that Christ's Body and Blood are truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar, given to us for the forgiveness of sins; that the Lord is ever present with his Church by means of Word and Sacrament.
Q. Why is your name "Zion"?
A. "Zion" is a word taken from the Bible. In the Old Testament, Zion refers to Jerusalem, the City of David (2 Samuel 5:7). Later on when the Jewish Temple was built in Jerusalem, Zion referred to the Temple, and to the hill upon which it was built (Psalm 2:6). Zion also referred to the people of Israel, who were sometimes called, "the people of Zion." (Psalm 149:2). In the New Testament, Zion is used to describe heaven, the New Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:2, Revelation 14:1.)
When our congregation was formed, those who first gathered here called the congregation "Zion" because: 1. The Bible described Zion as a place where God met His people; 2. We believe that here at worship, God meets us through Word and Sacrament; and, 3. We believe that we are citizens of heavenly Zion by grace through faith in our dear Lord Jesus Christ.
Q. What do you have available for children at Zion?
A. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me..." We want to help your children and grandchildren grow in their relationship with Jesus. We offer Sunday School for children and adults after our worship service, starting at 10:30 am. We also have a well known and loved Preschool that has been helping educate children in Garrett for over 32 years.
Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with their families at Zion. The best way for a child to appreciate what happens in worship and to grow in the Lord is to go to worship with their families. Bags of quiet toys are provided for small children to use during the service. Parents may bring snacks in for young children to help them during the service. If a child needs to go out during the service, that is no problem. Parents will find comfortable places to care for their children where they can still hear the service and observe what is happening.
Q. What denomination are you?
A. We are a congregation ofThe Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS is a denomination that holds that Christ has redeemed us from sin by his death on the cross, and therefore, salvation is not by works but by faith in what Christ has done for us. LCMS Churches also teach that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God; that Holy Baptism saves us from sin, death, and the devil; and that Christ's Body and Blood are truly present in the Sacrament of the Altar, given to us for the forgiveness of sins; that the Lord is ever present with his Church by means of Word and Sacrament.
Q. Why is your name "Zion"?
A. "Zion" is a word taken from the Bible. In the Old Testament, Zion refers to Jerusalem, the City of David (2 Samuel 5:7). Later on when the Jewish Temple was built in Jerusalem, Zion referred to the Temple, and to the hill upon which it was built (Psalm 2:6). Zion also referred to the people of Israel, who were sometimes called, "the people of Zion." (Psalm 149:2). In the New Testament, Zion is used to describe heaven, the New Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:2, Revelation 14:1.)
When our congregation was formed, those who first gathered here called the congregation "Zion" because: 1. The Bible described Zion as a place where God met His people; 2. We believe that here at worship, God meets us through Word and Sacrament; and, 3. We believe that we are citizens of heavenly Zion by grace through faith in our dear Lord Jesus Christ.
Q. What do you have available for children at Zion?
A. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me..." We want to help your children and grandchildren grow in their relationship with Jesus. We offer Sunday School for children and adults after our worship service, starting at 10:30 am. We also have a well known and loved Preschool that has been helping educate children in Garrett for over 32 years.
Children are welcome and encouraged to worship with their families at Zion. The best way for a child to appreciate what happens in worship and to grow in the Lord is to go to worship with their families. Bags of quiet toys are provided for small children to use during the service. Parents may bring snacks in for young children to help them during the service. If a child needs to go out during the service, that is no problem. Parents will find comfortable places to care for their children where they can still hear the service and observe what is happening.